National Nuclear Safety Administration

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MEP/ECNROS carrying out the National Security Education Day campaign

2018-04-20 15:25:00

15 April 2018 is the first the National Security Education Day after the 19th CPC National Congress and also after the Nuclear Safety Act coming to force. In order to show the achievements made in implementing national security and nuclear safety after the 18th CPC National Congress and to disseminating Nuclear Safety Act to a wider extent, the MEP/ECNROS launched a “nuclear safety week” publicity and education campaign with the title of National Security Education Day.

In this activity of Nuclear Safety Seek, the MEP/ECNROS has made all-out effort in creating a publicity atmosphere to make the awareness of national security and nuclear safety more popular by means of video, information bar and poster, roll up, other printing materials and on-site consultation as well as questions and answers engagement.

On the scene, the staff members interpreted nuclear safety knowledge to the public, in addition to distribution of printing materials, placing emphasis on popularizing the concept of national security and nuclear safety, as well as nuclear and radiation science knowledge. Aim was at enhancing the public confidence in national security and nuclear safety and making the overall concept of national security, nuclear safety and nuclear safety culture increasingly popular by using display board and in a face-to face form.

The nuclear safety publicity activity was rich in content and profound in theme, creating a good dissemination atmosphere with a full range of coverage, so as to becoming a sensible and practicable dissemination form that has received very good effect.

This activity has led to an enhanced nuclear safety effort in raising people’s awareness of national security and nuclear safety. Furthermore the MEP/ECNROS’s efforts to enhance the dissemination and education on nuclear safety knowledge continue in an attempt to provide solid foundation for maintaining national security and nuclear safety.

(This English version is for your reference only.In case any discrepancy exists between the Chinese and English context, the Chinese version shall prevail.)