National Nuclear Safety Administration

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MEP/NECNROS-initiated Nuclear Safety Act knowledge contest

2018-04-21 15:00:00

To implement the requirements of the Working Plan on Nuclear Safety Act Implementation Year put forward by Ministry of Ecology and Environment of People’s Republic of China, in combination with Implementing the “4.15 National Security Education Day” campaign, the MEP/NECNROS hold a knowledge contest activity on Nuclear Safety Act at Hongyanhe NPP in Liaoning province on 19 April this year. Entitled with fully implementing the Nuclear Safety Act to protect ecology and environment, protect people’s health and safeguard the national security, the six teams consisting of nearly 200 representatives from the MEP/NECNROS, Hongyanhe NPP and Xudapu NPP located in Liaoning province participated in the contest activity.

The contest activity was carried out through a combination of national security and nuclear safety, legal and professional knowledge, regulator and operator, and seriousness and interest. With focus on the Nuclear Safety Act and the National Security Act, a special group of questions and answers engagement was formed to ensure the scientific rigorousness. Active preparation activities were organized for dissemination and implementation of the Nuclear Safety Act and the National Security Act. Four kinds of questions are arranged to require, including essential questions, rush to answer, risk questions and additional questions. Cordial Interactions between attendances were specially arranged showing colorful and lively atmosphere. With active and enthusiasm involvement of the representatives, the interactions between the organizers and participant have led to good results. After several rounds of fierce competition, the Xudapu NPP team wined the first prize.

As one of the series of activities arranged by the MEP/NECNROS to disseminate and implement Nuclear Safety Act, this contest brought on a new upsurge in the study and implementation of Nuclear Safety Act, thus deepening the understanding by the professionals of Nuclear Safety Act and making this activity more popular in such a manner as to learn and apply. The MEP/NECNROS will continue in efforts towards implementing the requirements put forward in Working Plan on Nuclear Safety Act Implementation Year, promoting the effective implementation of the Nuclear Safety Act in this region.

(This English version is for your reference only.In case any discrepancy exists between the Chinese and English context, the Chinese version shall prevail.)